Past Initiatives — Black Artists + Designers Guild

Check out the latest on the new BADG x POTTERY BARN collection!


Past Initiatives


2020 Highpoint Market

A BADG Public Programming Project

Our work illustrates experiences deeply rooted in black culture, utilizing iconic characteristics of black art and design, such as figurative motifs, traditional handmade processes, bold colors and textures—all packaged in a modern design aesthetic. When BADG had the opportunity to curate an exhibition at Plant 7 at Congdon Yards, High Point’s collaborative community space, we knew that we needed to create an experience that enriched the lives of Black Makers, while also issuing a call to arms to the wider industry. Learn More


2020 Colossal Media

A BADG Public Programming Project

Colossal Media came to BADG with an idea - they had access and control of public art locations, typically occupied by white artists. In our work with them, we matchmade the perfect talent fit with Guild Maker Karen J. Revis, a painter, printmaker and patternmaker. The result is Colossal’s Represent: Black Arts, the first iteration in a series of public artworks, spotlighting original works by artists from underrepresented communities. Learn More


Creators in Conversation

Join Black Artists and Designers in a series of virtual conversations. We discuss the inspiration behind the Obsidian Virtual Concept House and the ways in which our homes can provide space for gathering, connection, and healing; honoring our ancestors; the future of Black living; and more. The events embody a love for our collective Blackness and shared humanity. Learn More